Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday Snapshot {Ocqueoc Falls}

About 20 minutes from our house are some small waterfalls known as Ocqueoc Falls. Recently they were redone by the state park service and now people visit from all over the country. Well, the other day we took Rommey there and did a little swimming. Zac took the pictures.

These pictures were taken with our Nikon CoolPix L18 on Auto setting.

f/4.7, 1/250, ISO-259, 17 mm

f/4.7, 1/250, ISO-417, 31 mm

f/5.6, 1/250, ISO-118, 6mm

f/5.1, 1/250, ISO-100, 14 mm

Ni Hao Yall

Thursday, July 19, 2012

9 Months Old!

My little girl is 9 months old! She turned 9 months on July 6. That same day she started crawling and in the last few days she's started to pull herself up. She doesn't pull up on everything but she does pull up on a lot of things.

Checking out her monkey

Get this thing off me!!

Happy baby

Mmm, my fist tastes good.

All smiles!