Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Snapshot {Snowshoeing Adventure}

The last couple of days we've had snow but temperatures in the 30's which is ideal for taking Rommey outside. Today my parents came to spend some time with us so we went snowshoeing around the property. We ended snowshoeing just over a mile and were out for less than 40 minutes.

Ni Hao Yall

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Snapshot {Funny Girl}

Now that Rommey's personality is coming out, we're seeing that she's a very funny and goofy girl. The other day she was pushing around her shopping cart and just having so much fun. She was laughing and giggling and enjoying running after the dogs. Half way through it all, she decided to put on her snow boot. She only put one on though (with some help... she can't dress herself yet).

Ni Hao Yall

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Snapshot {Noodles!}

I am continuing on with toddler activities for Rommey. Sensory activities are so good for the physical and mental development of children, particularly toddlers who are learning more about the world around them through interaction. One of my activities this week with Rommey included cooking up some spaghetti noodles, coloring them with food coloring and letting her go at them. She loved it! When I've tried to actually FEED her spaghetti noodles, she was not interested. She loved playing with them though.

Ni Hao Yall

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Snapshot {Sledding with Grandma}

This weekend my mom came over to see Rommey. It was pretty cold out but my mom wanted to take her outside for a little while. They were only out for 15 minutes or so but Rommey had so much fun sledding.

Ni Hao Yall