Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Snapshot {Settling Into the Desert of California}

Oh my, it's been a while since I've done a Sunday Snapshot.

We have moved to California and are getting settled into the house we're renting. It took us 6 days to get here from Michigan. We left on June 27 and arrived on August 1. On August 5 I reported to work for my first day, to begin getting my classroom ready. In case you haven't seen my previous posts, I got a teaching job at a private school in Blythe, CA as a Kindergarten teacher!!! I'm so excited to finally have my own classroom after substitute teaching for 3 years! I'm feeling both excited and nervous about the first day of school which will be on September 3. In case you're curious, here's the website for the school...

Everyone seems to be adjusting pretty well to the move and the drastic change in climate, especially Rommey. :-) She continues to be her happy, active self (as most 22 month olds are). Her favorite thing to do is to play in the backyard with her water mat. She LOVES it!! And it's a great way to beat the 100-110 degree heat. We are definitely consuming much more water than we have in the past.

Anyway, as usual, I decided to post pictures of Rommey (she is the most fun to photograph). So, here she is beating the heat.

Ni Hao Yall