I just wanted to share more thoughts here.
First of all... I love the internet! It's pretty cool how, anywhere you look, you can find articles, pictures and videos on just about anything. It's a great platform to share thoughts, joys, sadness... everything (if you want to share). It's a great way to "talk" to celebrities you like (even if they never read or see what you write). It's nice to know that there's a way to share your thoughts with them. For those of us who are die hard fans of a particular individual or group, it's especially cool. I mean, we can completely get our "fill" of our favorite celebrities and even feel like they are having conversations with us. How cool is that?
Well, the New Kids on the Block released their first album in 1986 with their self-titled album. They hit it big in 1988 with the album, "Hangin' Tough." I'd say that's probably when I really became a fan (I did buy their debut album around the time that "Hangin' Tough" came out). It's been 20 years since they first hit it big and had droves of fans watching their every move. I'm sure that was pretty crazy for them. Well, what is even more amazing to me is that, after 20 years, they can come back with a fan base almost as big as it was at their peak in the 1980's. They've grown up, matured and lived their lives and so have we, yet we are right here to support them 100%. What does that say about us? What does it say about them? Are we all crazy? Maybe a little. :-) I think that, more than anything, we are just dedicated and the guys have it figured out. Their new album is right on with the current music trends (from what I've seen) and we fans have followed those trends too (for the most part). It all works together. We are extremely excited about this second opportunity to see the guys and meet them and, in a way, get to know them.
Speaking for myself... I never got to see them in the 80's. I was 11 years old in 1988 and, to say the least, my parents weren't about to buy tickets to take me to one of their concerts. I had to settle with TV specials (like their concert and special in Disney World), which I watched over, and over, and over again. It got to the point where I had every part of that special memorized. The crazy thing was that we didn't get the Disney channel (our cable company was just doing one of their promotions where we got that channel for a week or so). I'm glad that now, 20 years later, I finally have the opportunity to see the guys in concert (I wish I had the means to follow them around and go to every show this time around). I also felt that this was an opportunity of a lifetime so I decided to invest in a VIP5 pass through their website to ensure that I'd not only get a great seat at their concert but that I would also get to meet them (and maybe chat with them a little). There's one thing I'd like to add though... I'd love to have a video crew follow me around for the day to capture every moment of the day so that I could watch the memory over and over again. I definitely think that it will be one of the happiest days of my life. I'll carry a smile from ear to ear all day on that day.
I'm really glad that all of the guys decided to get on board. There couldn't be a reunion without all of them. It wouldn't be the New Kids and it just wouldn't be right. I'm anxiously anticipating their new album. I pre-ordered the deluxe edition on Barnesandnoble.com so I won't get it on the day that it releases but if I can, I might just go to Wal-mart on Tuesday and buy the regular copy of the album just so that I can hear it when all of the other fans are. I can't wait to hear their "mature" sounds and listen to music that is just, simply, great! The album will also heighten my anticipation about their Denver concert. Unfortunately, that concert isn't until November so I have a few months to wait. I'll be heading down to Denver earlier in the day to do some shopping and check into my hotel. I decided it would be best for me to just stay at a hotel in Denver after the concert rather than drive the 2 1/2 hours back home to the mountains after the concert. Although, I'm sure that I'll be so hyped up after the concert that I won't be able to sleep anyway, but oh well.
One last thing... Thanks guys for coming back. We couldn't be more ecstatic!!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Donnie Interview in Boston Globe
Check out the article below. Someone from the Boston Globe interviewed Donnie over the phone and this is what he had to say. It sounds like the new album is going to "fit" and it sounds like it will be really good.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
New Kids on CNN
This aired the other day and I believe it will replay a few more times on CNN. Check it out.
Friday, August 29, 2008
A Message to the New Kids
I thought this would be a good platform to say some things to the guys. No one will probably read this and those of you that do will either be fans like me or be my friends who just laugh at me (oh well). I don't mind.
The the New Kids:
Thanks a million!!!! Thanks for coming back. Thanks for creating great songs and putting so much time and effort into creating a great album and concert. I'm sure both will be great. I look forward to hearing the new album. I pre-ordered a copy of the deluxe edition. I can't wait to see you guys in concert in Denver and get to meet you guys (thanks to the VIP pass I bought). I never saw you 20 years ago because my parents never got tickets to a concert for me and my little sister (she's 6 years younger than me). Thanks for being so personable. I think that it's awesome that you guys are taking the time to post blogs and video blogs for us to read and see. There aren't a lot of celebrities that take the time to do that. It's pretty cool. Thanks for everything!!!
I get the impression that you're the one who took the initiative to get everyone together again. Thanks! We are forever grateful. I also think that it's pretty sweet that you seem as excited to meet us, as we are to meet you. I have to tell you... you can bet that you'll get a nice, big hug from me when we meet. I'm known for my awesome hugs!!! :-) Funny story... my boyfriend was looking over my shoulder when I was checking out the blog site and he commented that you and Danny seemed like the ones who would be my type. I guess now, you probably would be (if I were single). :-) It kind of seems like you and my boyfriend might be kind of similar personalities. Unfortunately, he won't be at the concert with me. His favorite band is Slayer. :-)
I'm glad that you agreed to do this all over again. Based on your music site on MySpace, it kind of sounds like sometimes you would rather just leave the New Kids story in history and do your own thing. Well, I'm glad you signed on with this. It wouldn't be the same without you. I can't wait to meet you.
You were always my favorite (probably because you're only 5 years older than me). I love your voice. Congrats on the new baby. It was a boy, right? Won't he be a year old in November or something? That's pretty exciting! I want to thank you too for signing onto this reunion. I did get to see you in concert in Detroit back when I was in college. You rocked! You were at the Fox theater. I drove from Michigan State in Lansing to see you in Detroit. I wish I could have met you then. Well, I am super excited to meet you when you guys are in Denver. I hope you guys are ready to pose for pictures because I'll be taking a ton of them! :-) See ya in just over two months!!
You were my second favorite (again, the age thing). Also, you have a great voice. I'm glad that you signed on for the reunion as well. Of course, it wouldn't be a reunion without all of you. :-) I can't wait to see you guys perform and meet you. Expect big hugs from me. This will be an experience of a lifetime for me. I can't wait!
Last, but certainly not least. I saw the video blog today. The guys are right, you do look like you're the youngest. You're lookin' good! I'm glad you signed on to do this reunion. I'm sure it was kind of a difficult decision for you considering that you had your realtor job going on. I think, you, more than anyone else, is who I'd like to have a conversation with when I meet you guys. You've always been the most quiet of the guys. As a result, you are kind of the most mysterious. I'd love to sit and have a conversation with you. I saw you with Jordan back around 2003/2004 in Tampa Bay when I lived there. Jordan was playing at a club there and it was completely dead (I was the one dressed like a school girl... my boyfriend at the time wanted me to dress like that... not one of my proudest moments). It was good to see you then. It was a nice surprise. I wish I could have met you guys then though. Well, this time around, I will. :-) I can't wait. Thanks for all you do to make a great team. We love you!
The the New Kids:
Thanks a million!!!! Thanks for coming back. Thanks for creating great songs and putting so much time and effort into creating a great album and concert. I'm sure both will be great. I look forward to hearing the new album. I pre-ordered a copy of the deluxe edition. I can't wait to see you guys in concert in Denver and get to meet you guys (thanks to the VIP pass I bought). I never saw you 20 years ago because my parents never got tickets to a concert for me and my little sister (she's 6 years younger than me). Thanks for being so personable. I think that it's awesome that you guys are taking the time to post blogs and video blogs for us to read and see. There aren't a lot of celebrities that take the time to do that. It's pretty cool. Thanks for everything!!!
I get the impression that you're the one who took the initiative to get everyone together again. Thanks! We are forever grateful. I also think that it's pretty sweet that you seem as excited to meet us, as we are to meet you. I have to tell you... you can bet that you'll get a nice, big hug from me when we meet. I'm known for my awesome hugs!!! :-) Funny story... my boyfriend was looking over my shoulder when I was checking out the blog site and he commented that you and Danny seemed like the ones who would be my type. I guess now, you probably would be (if I were single). :-) It kind of seems like you and my boyfriend might be kind of similar personalities. Unfortunately, he won't be at the concert with me. His favorite band is Slayer. :-)
I'm glad that you agreed to do this all over again. Based on your music site on MySpace, it kind of sounds like sometimes you would rather just leave the New Kids story in history and do your own thing. Well, I'm glad you signed on with this. It wouldn't be the same without you. I can't wait to meet you.
You were always my favorite (probably because you're only 5 years older than me). I love your voice. Congrats on the new baby. It was a boy, right? Won't he be a year old in November or something? That's pretty exciting! I want to thank you too for signing onto this reunion. I did get to see you in concert in Detroit back when I was in college. You rocked! You were at the Fox theater. I drove from Michigan State in Lansing to see you in Detroit. I wish I could have met you then. Well, I am super excited to meet you when you guys are in Denver. I hope you guys are ready to pose for pictures because I'll be taking a ton of them! :-) See ya in just over two months!!
You were my second favorite (again, the age thing). Also, you have a great voice. I'm glad that you signed on for the reunion as well. Of course, it wouldn't be a reunion without all of you. :-) I can't wait to see you guys perform and meet you. Expect big hugs from me. This will be an experience of a lifetime for me. I can't wait!
Last, but certainly not least. I saw the video blog today. The guys are right, you do look like you're the youngest. You're lookin' good! I'm glad you signed on to do this reunion. I'm sure it was kind of a difficult decision for you considering that you had your realtor job going on. I think, you, more than anyone else, is who I'd like to have a conversation with when I meet you guys. You've always been the most quiet of the guys. As a result, you are kind of the most mysterious. I'd love to sit and have a conversation with you. I saw you with Jordan back around 2003/2004 in Tampa Bay when I lived there. Jordan was playing at a club there and it was completely dead (I was the one dressed like a school girl... my boyfriend at the time wanted me to dress like that... not one of my proudest moments). It was good to see you then. It was a nice surprise. I wish I could have met you guys then though. Well, this time around, I will. :-) I can't wait. Thanks for all you do to make a great team. We love you!
Video Blog from the New Kids
I LOVE THESE GUYS!!! This video blog that they just posted shows exactly the way that the guys are. I'm so excited about meeting them. I think that it's a 3 part blog. Cool!!! Check it out.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New Kids on Walmart's Soundcheck
HOT!!! HOT!!! HOT!!! This footage just got me so excited!!! I was almost cheering and I was grinning ear to ear. It just heightens the anticipation of seeing them in concert and meeting them. When I go to the concert and meet them, I think that I'm going to be like a kid in a candy store. I'm going to be SO happy!!!! The new album comes out in less than a week (I pre-ordered it though and my copy probably won't arrive until a few days later). On Soundcheck, they also performed, "Tonight" from their early days. It's such an appropriate song for the reunion. It literally describes their experiences. I'm sure that they'll perform it while on tour. I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET THEM AND SEE THEM IN CONCERT!!!! I want to talk with each of them (at the meet and greet) and make sure that I get tons of pictures with them. I wish that I could have a camera crew follow me around through the whole experience, for the entire day. That sure would be interesting. :-)
Below is the link. Check it out. http://soundcheck.walmart.com/new_kids_on_the_block.html
Below is the link. Check it out. http://soundcheck.walmart.com/new_kids_on_the_block.html
Monday, August 25, 2008
New Kids Tour and "Face Time"
Man... one thing I LOVE about the New Kids (especially Donnie, these days) is how stoked they are to meet the fans and show us their appreciation. On their website today, Donnie did a Blog just telling all of us fans how excited he was to meet us while they're on tour. He said that he expects a lot of hugs and is just really excited to meet as many people as possible. That's awesome!!!! How many "celebrities" are like that??? Not a lot. That just makes me even more excited to meet them at their Denver concert. I hope I get a chance to chat a little with each of the guys. The Denver concert is still two months away, which seems like forever, but it will be awesome and the time will probably fly by (unfortunately). In the meantime, their album comes out in one week and the web is full of stuff too (videos, interviews, etc). Not to mention the upcoming TV appearances they're doing. Way to go guys!!! Keep it coming. You know we can't get enough of you. :-)
On another note... Happy 31st Birthday to me (Aug. 25)!
On another note... Happy 31st Birthday to me (Aug. 25)!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Local CASA Article
Today, in the local paper, there was an article about CASA. It mentioned that there's a 22% increase in the number of children that need a child advocate. This is just for Summit, Lake and Clear Creek counties. They went on to say that it's not necessarily because of more cases of abuse or neglect but, "new philosophies in child welfare." Check out the article below. http://www.summitdaily.com/article/20080821/NEWS/2016&parentprofile=search
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Child Abuse
While doing research on child abuse for one of my training exercises for CASA, I came across this video. Check it out.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
First Snow of the Season
Can you believe it!?? Today, at 11,600 vert. ft. (where my house is) we got our first snow of the season. Luckily, it did turn into rain later in the morning but I'm definitely not ready for snow right now. I hope we get temps in the 60's and 70's very soon. It's too early for winter. If it starts now, it will be a VERY long winter!
Friday, August 15, 2008
CASA Volunteer
Today I met with CASA of the Continental Divide to find out more about CASA and essentially interview to be a voluneer. I'm really excited about this program and being a volunteer. I think that it will really give me the chance to make a difference and it will also help me to understand the foster and Human Services system so I can be better informed if Zac and I adopt in the future (or course, first he has to open up to the idea of adoption... which may or may not happen.).
Thursday, August 14, 2008
So, I don't know how many of you have heard of Coldplay. I don't listen to the radio much so I don't know about a lot of the groups out since the mid 1990's but this group has a new album out and one of the songs is a really great song. The album is called, "Viva la Vida" and the song I'm talking about has the same name. It's a catchy tune and the lyrics sound very poetic. Of course, I'm one of those people that thinks of lyrics as poems with music attached but that is particularly the case in this song. Check out the video below.
Viva La Vida
Viva La Vida
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Court Appointed Special Advocate. This is my new endeavor. It's a bit more difficult to get into social work than I expected, without a degree in that field. I could probably do it but will need a bit more experience in the related subject. Yesterday I saw an ad on TV for CASA and I checked out the website. CASA volunteers do exactly what I'd like to do... help kids in the system find permanent, loving homes. Too bad it's not a paid position. Today I decided to look up the CASA office in my area and give them a call. I called them and the lady sounded pretty excited that I was interested in volunteering. They also have a new training session starting in September. I happen to have this Friday off work and her availability is open on Friday so I scheduled to meet with her on Friday to find out more about the program and stuff. My only concern is working all of this into my work schedule. I REALLY hope that it's possible. Luckily, I'm just working at the ski shop now (instead of two jobs) so I should be able to make the time. I hope David, my boss, is helpful too. He's kind of self-involved so I hope that he understands my desire and need to do this and will work with me on my schedule to make it possible. We'll see. He's back from vacation tomorrow. Well, wish me luck in my journey to make a difference in Children's lives. :-)
Monday, August 11, 2008
New Kids

I had to post this New Kids picture. My boyfriend was looking over my sholder as I was checking out the New Kids blog site (where this picture was the header). Anyway, I was commenting on how good looking the guys are and Zac thought that Danny and Donnie (in the middle) would be the ones that I would like the most (with looks). Actually, I like the clean cut look better. Although, you probably wouldn't guess that based on how Zac looks. (He's in the top picture.) Zac's hot but he's "smokin' hot" when he's shaven. :-)
I sure am excited to see the guys in concert in November. I can't wait to meet them. Seeing all of the pictures online and their Blog updates just makes the anticipation stronger. I'll be smiling from ear to ear all day on November 14.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Two Coreys- For Corey Haim
I just saw a clip at people.com of tomorrow's episode of "The Two Coreys." I'd like to think that Corey Haim isn't using, like he claims when Todd Bridges and Pauly Shore show up at Feldman's house to try to get him to stop using but I'm afraid that he is using.
Corey... only you know for sure if you're using (unless there are other people around you when you are) but I really hope you're not and if you are, PLEASE get help. Apparently rehab didn't help you in the long run, all of those years ago. Maybe you should try a different route. Check out NA. A friend of mine is involved with that support group and it continues to help him. Once you've been an addict, you always will be, even when you're clean. You know that. Just don't be a user until it kills you. I, like many of your fans, really want to see you succeed (both personally and professionally). You sure as heck can't succeed if you're using. The only result of that is tragedy. Don't let the drugs get the best of you. I don't want to hear about you dying of an overdose or suicide or something. You're too young, with too much to live for and strive for.
Corey... only you know for sure if you're using (unless there are other people around you when you are) but I really hope you're not and if you are, PLEASE get help. Apparently rehab didn't help you in the long run, all of those years ago. Maybe you should try a different route. Check out NA. A friend of mine is involved with that support group and it continues to help him. Once you've been an addict, you always will be, even when you're clean. You know that. Just don't be a user until it kills you. I, like many of your fans, really want to see you succeed (both personally and professionally). You sure as heck can't succeed if you're using. The only result of that is tragedy. Don't let the drugs get the best of you. I don't want to hear about you dying of an overdose or suicide or something. You're too young, with too much to live for and strive for.
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