Friday, August 29, 2008

A Message to the New Kids

I thought this would be a good platform to say some things to the guys. No one will probably read this and those of you that do will either be fans like me or be my friends who just laugh at me (oh well). I don't mind.

The the New Kids:
Thanks a million!!!! Thanks for coming back. Thanks for creating great songs and putting so much time and effort into creating a great album and concert. I'm sure both will be great. I look forward to hearing the new album. I pre-ordered a copy of the deluxe edition. I can't wait to see you guys in concert in Denver and get to meet you guys (thanks to the VIP pass I bought). I never saw you 20 years ago because my parents never got tickets to a concert for me and my little sister (she's 6 years younger than me). Thanks for being so personable. I think that it's awesome that you guys are taking the time to post blogs and video blogs for us to read and see. There aren't a lot of celebrities that take the time to do that. It's pretty cool. Thanks for everything!!!

I get the impression that you're the one who took the initiative to get everyone together again. Thanks! We are forever grateful. I also think that it's pretty sweet that you seem as excited to meet us, as we are to meet you. I have to tell you... you can bet that you'll get a nice, big hug from me when we meet. I'm known for my awesome hugs!!! :-) Funny story... my boyfriend was looking over my shoulder when I was checking out the blog site and he commented that you and Danny seemed like the ones who would be my type. I guess now, you probably would be (if I were single). :-) It kind of seems like you and my boyfriend might be kind of similar personalities. Unfortunately, he won't be at the concert with me. His favorite band is Slayer. :-)

I'm glad that you agreed to do this all over again. Based on your music site on MySpace, it kind of sounds like sometimes you would rather just leave the New Kids story in history and do your own thing. Well, I'm glad you signed on with this. It wouldn't be the same without you. I can't wait to meet you.

You were always my favorite (probably because you're only 5 years older than me). I love your voice. Congrats on the new baby. It was a boy, right? Won't he be a year old in November or something? That's pretty exciting! I want to thank you too for signing onto this reunion. I did get to see you in concert in Detroit back when I was in college. You rocked! You were at the Fox theater. I drove from Michigan State in Lansing to see you in Detroit. I wish I could have met you then. Well, I am super excited to meet you when you guys are in Denver. I hope you guys are ready to pose for pictures because I'll be taking a ton of them! :-) See ya in just over two months!!

You were my second favorite (again, the age thing). Also, you have a great voice. I'm glad that you signed on for the reunion as well. Of course, it wouldn't be a reunion without all of you. :-) I can't wait to see you guys perform and meet you. Expect big hugs from me. This will be an experience of a lifetime for me. I can't wait!

Last, but certainly not least. I saw the video blog today. The guys are right, you do look like you're the youngest. You're lookin' good! I'm glad you signed on to do this reunion. I'm sure it was kind of a difficult decision for you considering that you had your realtor job going on. I think, you, more than anyone else, is who I'd like to have a conversation with when I meet you guys. You've always been the most quiet of the guys. As a result, you are kind of the most mysterious. I'd love to sit and have a conversation with you. I saw you with Jordan back around 2003/2004 in Tampa Bay when I lived there. Jordan was playing at a club there and it was completely dead (I was the one dressed like a school girl... my boyfriend at the time wanted me to dress like that... not one of my proudest moments). It was good to see you then. It was a nice surprise. I wish I could have met you guys then though. Well, this time around, I will. :-) I can't wait. Thanks for all you do to make a great team. We love you!

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