So, my husband has been working on renovating the "little dome" on our house (we live in a double geodesic dome) to make it safe for our little girl when she arrives. Over the years there was a lot of water damage due to poor construction and a concrete pad that wasn't poured properly. Unfortunately, we weren't able to start from scratch and pour a new foundation, etc. but we were able to rebuild a lot of the walls and the floor. It's coming along and should be done in the next few weeks. After the floor is finished then he'll put in new carpet padding and new carpeting and then we just have to paint. After that, we get to really get the room ready for the baby! I can't wait until all the furniture and baby clothes and stuff are in the room waiting for her. That will be so exciting! In the meantime, here are some pictures of the progress.

The dome right after he tore out the carpeting, before taking out the flooring and the "wall" on the riser wall. (The structure on the right is our platform bed that he made.)
The old floor is gone, the new wall is being built.
The new wall... "mudded."
Starting the new floor.
The new flooring going down. Looking good. :-)
He's also making the old laundry room into a closet but I don't have any good pictures of the progress of that.
I can't wait to show everyone the room when it's all done. It'll look great!