Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Snapshot {A New Camera}

Well, this was an interesting Sunday Snapshot day. I just got my first DSLR camera! It's a basic model... the Nikon D3200. Since this is an older model, the store had it on sale at a great price!

We went to San Diego this weekend and I REALLY wanted to take some beach pictures of Rommey but unfortunately, the camera battery needed to be charged before I could take any pictures and we needed to head back to Blythe. So, my Sunday Snapshot pictures ended up being taken when she was in the bathtub tonight instead.

I'm still playing around with how to use the camera, particularly the Manual, Aperture, Shutter Speed and Program modes but the basic settings are working great for me. :-) Most of these pictures were taken using either the Portrait or Child setting.

To end the evening, Rommey wanted to play with my iPhone for a little bit. 

Ni Hao Yall

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