Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Snapshot {It's Spring!}

The last couple of days have finally felt like spring around our house (we live in Northern Michigan). The sun has been shining and the temps have gotten in the 60's (compared to the 30's lately). As a result, we are fully taking advantage of the warm weather. It's been wonderful!

Yesterday we went to the local park. Rommey loved climbing up and down the stairs of the jungle gym and she also loved the swing and tunnel.

Today we played around the yard. I also made some pop cycles from the left over baby food (since she's 18 months she doesn't eat baby food any more but we still have lots left). She loved those!

Ni Hao Yall

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday Snapshot {18 Months Old}

Well, here's my Sunday Snapshot (on Monday).

On April 6 Rommey turned 18 months old. I can't believe how the time has flown by. Our little girl is getting so big and is just the best thing ever!

She's still not really talking much but does know several signs. Admittedly, she does use the "more" and "again" signs simultaneously and often for other things that she doesn't have a sign for but she does use several different signs.

She is a pretty good eater. She generally will try new foods pretty easily. Her fine motor skills are great and she loves to run, play with the dogs and play with other kids. She loves to be outside. She hates to have her teeth brushed but likes to do it herself (I still have to brush them though because she can't do it very thoroughly herself). She likes to get into all kinds of things and is really good at stacking and coloring. She loves to cuddle and laugh at herself too. She currently weighs 22 lbs., 8 oz. and is 30 4/16 inches tall. She's in an infant size 4 shoe (little feet) and wears 18 month clothes comfortably but can still wear some of her 12 month clothes. She has twelve teeth (we're still waiting on all of her canines and her 2 year molars). She's just the most wonderful blessing!

Ni Hao Yall

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013 (Photo Bomb)

This was Rommey's second Easter. This year we tried to do several activities with her. For some things she was still a bit too little (like decorating eggs) but for most everything else, she did great!

We got her several things for her Easter basket. She really enjoyed what she got.

I made carrot cake bunny pops.

Checking out her Easter basket.

 Listening to the singer at the Mountain Grand Lodge at Boyne Mountain.

Saying "hi" to Fritz at the Mountain.

Waiting for the Easter egg hunt to start at Boyne Mountain.

She did great! She grabbed most of her eggs on her own. (I only grabbed 1 or 2 of her total eggs.)

We tried to get a cute picture of her at the egg hunt but she didn't want to cooperate.

She got a picture with the Easter bunny at Walmart in Cheboygan, a couple of days before Easter.

Decorating our eggs. We used an egg rolling kit this year.

What a fun Easter!