Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Snapshot {Rommey is 4 Months Old}

A week ago our little angel turned 4 months old. She's growing so fast and changing so much. She holds her head up very well while sitting up (with some support), she sleeps through the night most nights, she loves to play and be interactive and she LOVES to bounce. We hold her and bounce up and down on a yoga ball and she couldn't be happier. She has started on solids but doesn't do much with them. She gets rice cereal and sweet potatoes almost every night but isn't quite sure what to do with them. 😃 She takes in less than an ounce of solids total but she does seem to like the taste... just most of it gets spit back out. It's rather funny. She's just turning into to her own little person and we couldn't be happier.

Sunday Snapshot

P.S. Sorry for the pictures coming after the Sunday Snapshot logo, I'm using the Blogger app to write this.

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