Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Denver 3-Day

Let me just say, that one thing I've noticed about myself is that I'm kind of ADD. I don't mean that I have ADD but I do tend to get bored easily. My focus is always changing. I'm really into something for a while and then my focus changes to something else. I can't seem to stay focused on one thing for very long. of course, I always come back to things but I have found that I'm the type of person that really needs to have a few things going on.

Well, right now my focus is primarily on the Denver 3-Day walk that I'm doing in August and on my wedding planning. Come May 4, I'll have to fit school into that too as I'll start my first class to get my Masters in Education on that day.

Anyway, last night I was on http://www.the3day.org and finding out more about the 3-Day. They had a training schedule on there. One was for 24 weeks out and the other one was for 16 weeks out. Well, I counted down on the calendar and learned that I'm about 18 weeks away from the Denver 3-Day. Needless to say, I kind of hit panic mode... just a little. I live at 11,600 vertical feet and because of that, I think that I'll have a little easier time getting prepared for the 3-Day with less time to spare. Still, I realized that I really need to step it up and start my training. I also realized that I need to get a lot of things together that I'll need. I have a pair of running shoes that are pretty well broken in but according to the 3-Day website, I'll need to have an "extra" pair as well. So, that means trying to come up with the money to buy a second pair and then I'll need to break them in as I'm doing my training. New shoes will cost $75-$100 for a good pair that isn't TOO expensive. Oh geez. I hope I can get the money together soon so I can start breaking those in. I also learned (I kind of already knew this since I work in a shop that carries hiking gear) that I'd need to get some new socks and have a few pair to train with. They don't recommend cotton socks so I need to get some synthetic, breathable socks. I can get some through the shop, luckily. I also might want to get some "work-out" clothes that wick moisture rather than use just my standard cotton stuff. I can't believe how the expenses are adding up. I will be staying at the 3-Day "camp" while I'm doing the Denver 3-Day so at least that will save on a hotel room in Denver for me and I won't have to have money for additional food over the weekend. Also, they recommend doing some cross-training as part of your training... i.e. work-out machines, bike riding, swimming, etc. Well, I don't have a bike right now. So, in order to do the cross-training stuff I'll have to get a membership at the rec center. That will allow me to have a wide variety of options regarding my cross-training part of the training. That's $53/mo. There's just really a lot of training and stuff to do and the date is getting closer. Let's see how I manage it all. :-)

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