Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Snapshot {Professional Shots}

So, a friend of ours is a professional photographer and we got him to come and take pictures of Rommey. This was his first time shooting a baby. She's almost 7 months old now (in a week) so they were more like 7 month shots rather than 6 month but still. Here's his website, if you'd like more info...

Anyway, he took great shots. He uses a Cannon EOS 7D camera. I listed his settings for some of the pictures but if you want the settings for others, let me know.

Settings: f/9, exposure 1/160, ISO 200, 50 mm focal length

Settings: f/2.2, exposure 1/200, ISO 200, 50 mm focal length

Settings: f/1.4, exposure 1/100, ISO 200, 50 mm focal length

Ni Hao Yall


April said...

Ahh, so sweet. Great photos.

Stefanie said...

She's adorable... love her red hair!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. Your daughter is SO beautiful. I absolutely LOVE her name. How did you come up with that? Perfect!

Hilary said...

Life with Kaishon...

Her full name is Andromeda Star (after the the galaxy and the Greek princess). We got the nickname Rommey from the show "Andromeda." We liked it and it was easier to call her that than Andromeda (on a daily basis).